87 research outputs found

    Normal Elliptic Bases and Torus-Based Cryptography

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    We consider representations of algebraic tori Tn(Fq)T_n(F_q) over finite fields. We make use of normal elliptic bases to show that, for infinitely many squarefree integers nn and infinitely many values of qq, we can encode mm torus elements, to a small fixed overhead and to mm ϕ(n)\phi(n)-tuples of FqF_q elements, in quasi-linear time in log⁥q\log q. This improves upon previously known algorithms, which all have a quasi-quadratic complexity. As a result, the cost of the encoding phase is now negligible in Diffie-Hellman cryptographic schemes

    Galois invariant smoothness basis

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    This text answers a question raised by Joux and the second author about the computation of discrete logarithms in the multiplicative group of finite fields. Given a finite residue field \bK, one looks for a smoothness basis for \bK^* that is left invariant by automorphisms of \bK. For a broad class of finite fields, we manage to construct models that allow such a smoothness basis. This work aims at accelerating discrete logarithm computations in such fields. We treat the cases of codimension one (the linear sieve) and codimension two (the function field sieve)

    Explicit Galois obstruction and descent for hyperelliptic curves with tamely cyclic reduced automorphism group

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    This paper is devoted to the explicit description of the Galois descent obstruction for hyperelliptic curves of arbitrary genus whose reduced automorphism group is cyclic of order coprime to the characteristic of their ground field. Along the way, we obtain an arithmetic criterion for the existence of a hyperelliptic descent. The obstruction is described by the so-called arithmetic dihedral invariants of the curves in question. If it vanishes, then the use of these invariants also allows the explicit determination of a model over the field of moduli; if not, then one obtains a hyperelliptic model over a degree 2 extension of this field.Comment: 35 pages; improve the readability of the pape

    The geometry of some parameterizations and encodings

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    We explore parameterizations by radicals of low genera algebraic curves. We prove that for qq a prime power that is large enough and prime to 66, a fixed positive proportion of all genus 2 curves over the field with qq elements can be parameterized by 33-radicals. This results in the existence of a deterministic encoding into these curves when qq is congruent to 22 modulo 33. We extend this construction to parameterizations by ℓ\ell-radicals for small odd integers ℓ\ell, and make it explicit for ℓ=5\ell=5
